Two Ways That Operators of Heavy Construction Equipment Can Avoid Being Injured

Posted on: 4 January 2018

Operating forklifts, bulldozers, excavators and other types of powerful heavy construction equipment can put a person at risk of injury. Here are two ways that those who own and operate this equipment can avoid getting hurt.

Invest in high-quality seating

Poorly made seating can drastically increase a person's risk of developing an injury when they are driving a piece of heavy construction equipment.

For example, if their seat has an inadequate suspension system which does not absorb the impact created by the machinery's constant vibrations, the operator could end up experiencing chronic back pain and nerve damage.

Likewise, if the seat does not feature a lumbar support cushion, the operator may struggle to maintain good posture whilst driving the equipment. This could lead to back problems such as herniated discs and sciatica.

Additionally, a seat which does not provide sufficient neck support could leave the operator with chronic tension in both their neck and shoulder muscles.

As such, it is vital for those who own and operate machinery of this kind to invest in high-quality seating, such as that made by ISRI.

ISRI seats and other high-quality seats feature both neck and lumbar cushioning and come with supportive, shock-absorbing suspension systems, all of which will drastically reduce a person's chances of sustaining an injury when they drive heavy construction equipment.

Don't use the equipment in poor weather conditions

If a person is working on a time-sensitive construction project and wants the project to stay on schedule, they might feel tempted to continue using a piece of heavy construction equipment, even after the weather has taken a turn for the worst.

However, this could easily result in them getting involved in an accident and being seriously injured. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, visibility is often limited during a bout of heavy rain or fog.

This lack of visibility can affect an operator's ability to spot and avoid colliding with trenches, trees or other heavy construction equipment.

Secondly, stormy weather can often create slippery ground conditions (particularly on construction sites, where most equipment is driven on unpaved soil). Using heavy construction equipment on a slippery patch of earth can make it harder for an operator to maintain control of the machinery; they may, for example, lose traction and end up skidding into a trench or over an embankment.

Thirdly, if there are strong winds, there is a greater chance of a tree or an electrical line collapsing and falling onto the cab of the construction equipment. If this should happen whilst the operator is inside the cab, they could end up being crushed.

As such, it is best for operators to avoid using this equipment during bouts of bad weather.
