Choosing filtration for your hydraulic system
Posted on: 8 March 2016
Filtration is one of the most important aspects of a hydraulic system, as the filters keep contaminants, debris and dirt out of the system in order to make the system and the machine live longer and deliver peak performance at all times. However, depending on your specific conditions and demands, the location of the filter in your hydraulic system can decide how well the system is working. It's also possible that another location would work even better. To find out if the filtration in your hydraulic system is optimally placed, there are a few things you should know about.
Pressure filtration
One of the most common locations for a filtration system is the pressure line. This creates a pressure filtration that directly cleans out all foreign components in the fluid. The pressure in this type of filtration prevents particles from getting lodged in the filter. It can, however, lead to a higher degree of contamination in the fluid after the filtration than slower flowing systems, providing the filter in the slower flowing system is clean and isn't given a chance to contaminate the fluids. This type of filtration is appropriate if your hydraulic system is located in a machine that needs fast reactions from the system to function properly.
Return filtration
A very common type of filtration is return filtration, with the filter located in the return line of the system. This creates enough pressure to sufficiently flush small particles to the filter, but not enough so that it puts a strain on the filter and the element, which means it's more cost efficient than pressure filtration which will cause you to change the different parts of the filtration system more often. However, the main disadvantage of return filtration is that the back pressure created can affect the other components in the system, which puts a strain on, for example, the cylinder. If you're considering switching to this type of filtration, you should look into how hydraulic cylinder services can help reduce the harmful effects of the filtration.
Suction filtration
This is a more uncommon type of filtration mainly used in large machinery that doesn't require swift procedures in the hydraulic system. It's located in the pump intake, which means it protects the system from harmful particles from the start of the cycle. It does, however, have a negative effect on the life length of the pump, which can lead to higher costs. If you have this filtration in your hydraulic system and find that you have to repair or replace the pump too often, you should consider changing into pressure or return filtration instead. For more information, talk to a hydraulic cylinder service.